90 min-Repeat Visit-PRENATAL Therapeutic Lomilomi Massage

Image for 90 min-Repeat Visit-PRENATAL Therapeutic Lomilomi Massage


NOTE: If you are an established client, but haven’t received a massage from me during a pregnancy, please choose NEW client Prenatal massage instead so you receive the proper intake form. Spiritually grounded, clinically based, structure specific solution oriented massage for Pain Relief, Injury Rehab, Healing Support and Deep Relaxation Rate is all inclusive with no expectation of tipping and includes 90 minutes of hands on/massage time + intake time + time to dress and check out. Please allow up 1 hr, 45 min--2 hr for total appointment time. Problem Solving Therapeutic Lomilomi Massage is wonderful during all stages of pregnancy to help relieve any stress and discomfort you may be experiencing. Comforting warm stone spot treatments for those stubborn tense areas, gentle movement / stretching, warm towels and energy healing therapy may be used as needed to help you reach your goals. Everything’s included in session cost, there are never any add-on fees or up-charges. GENERAL POSITIONING (exceptions may need to be made) Weeks 1 - 13: no special positioning needed. Weeks 14 - 22: small pillow added under right side when on back. Weeks 23 - 40: side-lying and semi-reclined (head/torso elevated). *Side-lying in all stages of pregnancy is very beneficial for working the glutes (buttocks), hips and low back to relieve muscle tension and/or sciatic pain.
