60 min-New Client-Reiki Energy Healing

Image for 60 min-New Client-Reiki Energy Healing


This is energy work only—no massage is included. This session is offered in person or online via zoom. Rate is all inclusive with no expectation of tipping and includes 60 minutes of hands on treatment/table time + intake time + time to dress and check out. Please allow up to 1 hr, 15 min for total appointment time. Energy work helps to activate your own innate healing ability. Reiki Energy Healing can help you feel more relaxed, balanced and clear minded, helping to relieve stress, anxiety, pain and bothersome symptoms of chronic conditions. Reiki assists in the healing process after or before surgery and so much more. Treatment is performed with client fully clothed, laying down or sitting. Hands will be placed on or over different areas of the body while helping to improve and balance the flow of universal energy throughout your body and energy centers (chakras). Other energy healing modalities may also be used that are all based on love and light. All work can also be performed hands off—above the body if preferred.  During a session, you may go through temperature shifts, experience emotional changes, feel as if you’re floating, sinking, spinning, or sometimes feel nothing at all. Even if you feel nothing, the energy is still flowing and will still work for you. NOTE: if the intake form is not filled out before your first appointment, this may cut into your treatment time.
